Scholarly Journals
SME's Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Manufacturing Processes and Manufacturing Letters are published by Elsevier and are included in the ScienceDirect digital library. Manuscript submissions and the peer-review process are handled electronically through the Elsevier Editorial System.
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Manufacturing Letters — An online, rapid-publication journal providing a home for short, high-quality papers from the international academic and industry community on important advances from all interdisciplinary research areas impacting manufacturing.
The journal promotes an exchange of ideas and communicates significant developments of immediate interest to others engaged in formative research that contributes to progress in manufacturing techniques, models, processes and systems.
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Journal of Manufacturing Systems — Publishes state-of-the-art fundamental and applied research in manufacturing at the systems level. Manufacturing systems comprise products, equipment, people, information, control and support functions for the economical and competitive development, production, delivery and life cycle of products to satisfy market and societal needs. Pertinent to the journal is work studying emerging manufacturing systems from the equipment level to distributed enterprises, and production challenges within and across various scales, including nano, micro and macro-scale manufacturing. Papers focused on novel manufacturing systems design, planning, modeling and control from the factory level to the extended enterprise and addressing the new global challenges are invited. Papers addressing new and emerging related topics are also encouraged.
Call for Papers – Special Issue on Smart and Resilient Manufacturing in the Wake of COVID-19
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Journal of Manufacturing Processes — Seeks to exchange current and future directions of manufacturing processes research, development and implementation, and to publish archival scholarly literature to advance the state-of-the-art in manufacturing processes and encourage innovation in new and efficient processes. The journal will also publish a research digest summarizing manufacturing process research from other research communities for rapid communication of new concepts. Special-topic issues on emerging technologies and invited papers will also be published.
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Procedia Manufacturing — Disseminates critical research results in the manufacturing technical field in a journal-format publication of SME's North American Manufacturing Research Conference. Many important scientific and technological milestones have been reported in previous volumes of the Proceedings of NAMRI | SME by renowned researchers. The publication of the procedia and proceedings have both stimulated and faithfully documented the tremendous evolution of manufacturing science and technology.
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