Manufacturing Day is traditionally recognized on the first Friday in October each year. For an organization such as SME whose mission is to advance manufacturing by accelerating technology adoption and building North America’s talent and capabilities, however, the entire month of October becomes a celebration of manufacturing. That’s because we believe that manufacturing holds the key to economic growth and prosperity. Because of this, SME helps unlock the full promise of manufacturing as an engine of commerce, progress and human potential.
Named officially MFG Day by its creator the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association in 2012, the day is dedicated to celebrating technological and production accomplishments and addressing the need for a large volume of workers over the next decade to meet industry needs. Due to reshoring a significant percentage of manufacturing’s supply chain post-COVID, there currently exist 550,000 open manufacturing jobs (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).
As a leading force in promoting manufacturing technology and workforce development, SME is participating in and hosting several Manufacturing Day activities. SME encourages you to get involved in as many ways as possible to support our industry.
Here are a few of the activities SME will participate in or sponsor on Manufacturing Day and throughout Manufacturing Month in October:
Manufacturing Day Events
October 5, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Wayne County Manufacturing Day 2023
Various Wayne County Manufacturing Facilities and College Campuses
Exclusive to high-school students pre-registered to participate in the event
The goal for Wayne County MFG Day is to expose students to a variety of manufacturing careers, provide student tours to manufacturing facilities, and offer education on manufacturing training programs. The program includes:
- Facility Tours at Sponsor Locations: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
- Students tour facilities in groups with a tour ambassador
- Q&A Session with facility tour ambassadors
- Travel to Hub Site
- Hub Site Session: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- Lunch
- Discussion on manufacturing career paths and futures; stackable credentials, degrees and certificates; scholarship opportunities; costs, benefits and supports.
- Social media/photos with students
- Student survey/evaluation
SME is a Prototype Sponsor of this activity-filled day specifically for Wayne County students that will feature manufacturing plant tours and remarks by industry and governmental leaders.
October 5, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.
The Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation: Manufacturing Day
Exclusive Access for Wayne County Students participating in MFG Day
Featured activities will include:
- Speak with an Engineer. Dearborn Truck Plant engineers will be on-site to talk with students about career possibilities in skilled trades.
- Ford Model e: How Cars are Connected Globally. Ford Model e technicians will be on-site showcasing how the software in an automobile connects globally and how it has defined the vehicle.
- Test Your RPM. This hands-on RPM challenge tests your strength against the powerful engines of a Ford F-150 Raptor. See how well you can hold up against Ford power!
- 3D Printing. 3D printing has become a critical component in the automobile industry. Learn about the history of 3D printing and see a 3D printer in action.
11:40 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Ford Rouge Factory Tour
11:40 a.m. - Factory Tour Open to the Public
Tours begin with a bus ride from Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation. Purchase tickets online or in person at the museum Welcome Center. The last tour bus leaves at 3:00 p.m.
Featured activities will include Test Your RPM and 3D Printing as described above.
October 6, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation: Manufacturing Day
Factory Tour Open to the Public
Tours begin with a bus ride from Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation. Purchase tickets online or in person at the museum Welcome Center. The last tour bus leaves at 3:00 p.m.
Featured activities will include:
- Ford Model e: How Cars are Connected Globally (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. only). Ford Model e technicians will be on-site showcasing how the software in an automobile connects globally and how it has defined the vehicle.
- Test Your RPM. This hands-on RPM challenge tests your strength against the powerful engines of a Ford F-150 Raptor. See how well you can hold up against Ford power!
- 3D Printing. 3D printing has become a critical component in the automobile industry. Learn about the history of 3D printing and see a 3D printer in action.
SME is a Partner Sponsor of this special two-day event for 800+ Wayne County students in grades 6-12.
October 6, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
SME PRIME School Launch Event
Troy High School, Troy, Michigan
Open to students and guests (requires advance sign-up)
Troy High School was one of 16 Michigan schools selected for the SME PRIME program in 2021 as part of a $6 million appropriation by the state of Michigan in the School Aid Fund Budget (PA 48 of 2021). PRIME classes began at Troy High School at the start of the 2023-24 school year.
PRIME launch events present speakers from the SME Education Foundation which administers the PRIME program, educators from the school or district, legislators, and other guests. A tour of the classrooms follows.
October 6, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
Manufacturing Day Webinar
Empowering Diversity: Tackling Labor Shortages in Manufacturing
A groundbreaking webinar on how the manufacturing industry and professionals can tackle the labor shortage by working with underserved and under-represented communities.
Manufacturing Month Activities
October 9, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. ET
Manufacturing Coffee Chat
Continuing the Conversation on Fostering Tomorrow's Workforce
An enlightening, unscripted discussion with industry experts and peers on evolving trends, diversity challenges, critical skills, and innovative strategies. The Coffee Chat will explore how technology is reshaping manufacturing, the importance of inclusion, and insights on workforce development.
October 11, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
Shop Talk
Finding Your Place in the Manufacturing Industry
Delve into your personal journey since graduation, illuminating your initial career aspirations, celebrating achievements, and gaining valuable insights into the future of manufacturing. For students of seasoned professionals.
October 18, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
Shop Talk
Growing a Career and Defining Opportunities in Manufacturing
Glimpse the future of manufacturing and discover the essential skillset needed for success, discuss strategies for adapting to hybrid work environments, mastering virtual soft skills, and understanding their importance.
October 25, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
Shop Talk
Breaking the Stereotype: Exploring the Contributions of Women in Industry
Explore how industry leaders are actively attracting women to manufacturing and showcasing diverse career paths. Gain a vision of the future of the industry and its potential for women.
SME Chapter & Student Chapter Celebrations
Chapter 186
Manufacturing Day Tours of UNI Foundry 4.0 Center, Cedar Valley Makers, and Hawkeye Community College Automation and Robotics Center
Student Chapter S282
Titan Manufacturing Day 2023
"Discovering Manufacturing Futures"
California State University, Fullerton
Student Chapter S019
National Manufacturing Day!
Oregon State University
How to Host your Own MFG Day Event
It’s not too late! If you’re considering hosting your own MFG Day or Manufacturing Month event and are looking for resources to help, consider utilizing our Resource Guide that can help you plan and register your program. Check out our Educator Playbook for tools you can use and conversations you can have to spark excitement for our industry with students.