2022-24 NAMRI | SME Scientific Committee Organization Chair Xun Xu, PhD, FASMEProfessor, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringThe University of AucklandAuckland, New Zealand Xun W. Xu, PhD, FASME, is a professor of Manufacturing at the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, The University of Auckland. He has been working in the field of intelligent manufacturing solutions for some 30 years. Dr. Xu is an internationally recognized expert in smart manufacturing systems, STEP-NC, cloud-based manufacturing and IoT-enabled manufacturing. He serves as an Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of a number of international journals and has published over 350 research papers. Dr. Xu is the Director of Laboratory for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Systems (LISMS), the only Laboratory for Industry 4.0 in New Zealand. His current research focus is on Industry 4.0 technologies, e.g. smart factories, digital twins, cloud manufacturing, model-based manufacturing, big industrial data and data analytics. Dr. Xu is a Fellow of the American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Engineering New Zealand (EngNZ). In 2020, he is named among of the “20 most Influential Professors in Smart Manufacturing” by SME. He was also recognized by Web of Science as a Clarivate™ Highly Cited Researcher in 2020. Chair-Elect Stefania Bruschi, PhDProfessor, Manufacturing TechnologiesUniversity of PadovaItaly Stefania Bruschi, PhD, is professor of Manufacturing Technologies at the Department of Industrial Engineering at University of Padova, Italy, and currently Head of the same department. She is member of Academic Senate at University of Padova. Her major research areas include sheet and bulk metal forming and machining of metal alloys, with particular focus on material behavior, process and product performances. She is a fellow of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering), and currently Secretary of the CIRP Scientific Technical Committee “Forming”. She is co-author of more than 250 Scopus-indexed publications. Past Chair Robert X. Gao, PhD, FSMEProfessor and Department Chair, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Case Western Reserve UniversityCleveland Robert X. Gao, PhD, FSME, is the Cady Staley professor of engineering and department chair of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. His research is in the areas of multiphysics sensing, multiresolution signal processing, machine learning and wireless communication for improving the observability of dynamical systems such as manufacturing equipment and processes. Gao has authored or co-authored more than 170 peer-reviewed journal articles, two books, several book chapters and holds 12 patents. Currently, he serves as a senior editor for the “IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.” Gao is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, SME, CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He is a recipient of several professional honors, including the Eli Whitney Productivity Award from SME, the Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award from ASME, the Technical Award and Best Application Award from the Instrumentation and Measurement Society of IEEE and several best paper awards. Gao has been named one of the 20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing. SME Member Since 2005
Track 1: Manufacturing Systems - General Submission Track Chair: Xun Xu Track Co-Chairs: Laine Mears**, Ray Zhong Members: David Culler, Yuqian Lu, Paol Parenti, Dazhong Wu, Thorsten Wuest, Pai Zheng Track 3: Material Removal Track Chair: Jeff Ma^ Track Co-Chairs: Jahan Mohammad, Mike Vogler Members: Shuting Lei, Barbara Linke, Brigid Mullany, Chandra Nath, Tony Schmitz, Iqbal Shareef, Zhongde Shi Track 5: Smart Manufacturing - Cyber Physical Systems Track Chair: Robert Landers Track Co-Chairs: Qing (Cindy) Chang, Shaopeng Liu Members: Weilong Cong, Zhaoyan Fan, David Hoelzle, Hantang Qin, Chenhui Shao, Rok Vrabič, Peng Wang, Xi Vincent Wang, Xiaowei Yue Track 7: Sustainable Manufacturing Track Chair: Karl Haapala Track Co-Chairs: Nancy Diaz-Elsayed, Sekhar Rakurty Members: Fazleena Badurdeen, Guiseppe Ingarao, Jeremy Rickli Track 2: Manufacturing Processes - General Submission Track Chair: Stefania Bruschi Track Co-Chairs: Wayne Cai, Till Clausmeyer Members: Gianluca Buffa, Lei Chen, William Emblom, Azadeh Haghighi, Sangkee Min, Teresa Rinker, Rohan Shirwaiker, Beatriz Silva, Chengying (Cheryl) Xu Track 4: Additive Manufacturing Track Chair: Jingyan Dong^ Track Co-Chairs: Murali Sundaram^, Tsz-Ho Kwok Members: Jia Deng, Pei Dong, Shenghan Guo, Yiwei Han, Fuda Ning, Kyle Saleeby, Yunlong Tang, Changxue Xu Track 6: Manufacturing Education and Case Studies Track Chair: Johnson Samuel Track Co-Chair: Jyhwen Wang Members: Xi Gu, Samantha Krening, Dale Lombardo **Editor in Chief of Journal of Manufacturing Letters*Associate Editor of Journal of Manufacturing Systems^Associate Editor of Journal of Manufacturing Processes