2022 SME International Directors and Council Representatives Take Office January 20, 2022 by SME Communications 2022 SME officers and directors have taken office following election in 2021. The officers and international directors of the SME Board of Directors act as the governing body of SME with budget authority and oversight responsibility. The SME Member Council, with the SME board, is responsible for strengthening local chapters around the world and formulating recommendations surrounding SME member recruitment, retention and engagement. SME members participate in the annual election held Aug. 1 to Sept. 1. International directors and Member Council representatives are elected to two-year terms. 2022 Officers of the SME Board of Directors: President: Dianne Chong, PhD, FSME, NAE, The Boeing Co. (retired), Seattle President-Elect: James Schlusemann, LSME, Navistar (retired), Melrose Park, Illinois Vice President: Winston Erevelles, PhD, St. Mary's University, San Antonio Treasurer: Vincent Howell Sr., PhD, FSME, CMfgE, Corning Inc. (retired), Clemmons, North Carolina Secretary: Rebecca Taylor, The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, Washington, D.C. 2022-23 International Directors: Jeffrey Abell, FSME, CMfgE, PE, General Motors, Warren, Michigan Jian Cao, PhD, FSME, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Hitomi Yamaguchi Greenslet, PhD, FSME, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Robert Ivester, PhD, FSME, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland Marie Kissel, Abbott Laboratories Fund, Washington, D.C. Albert Wavering, FSME, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 2022-23 SME Member Council representatives: Dan Braley, CAM-T, Boeing Global Services, St. Louis Gabriela Darras, Microsoft Corp., Peoria, Illinois Jennifer Fielding, PhD, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Stephen Marth, CMfgE, LBC, Precor Inc., Greensboro, North Carolina To learn more about the SME Board of Directors, visit sme.org/board-of-directors and the SME Member Council at sme.org/member-council.